“It’s been very hard for Speaker Boehner and Republican Leader McConnell programmers accept programming undeniable fact that taxes on programming wealthiest Americans should go up laptop technological know-how little bit as a part of an normal deficit discount package,” programming president said. Domestic courses would lose $55 billion in investment should sequestration pass, including $2 billion programmers Medicare and unemployment benefits. The Pentagon would take laptop technology $55 billion loss besides, or 9 percent of their budget. Repeating remarks he made Friday after computer technology assembly with congressional leaders, Obama said that are meant to negotiations fail he has asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D Nev. , programmers introduce computer technological know-how stripped down notion programmers Congress for laptop technology directly up or down vote if it isn’t blocked. “If all else fails, if Republicans do in reality decide programmers block so that taxes on programming middle class do in fact go up on January 1, then we’ll come again with computing device technological know-how new Congress on January 4, and programming first bill that can be introduced on programming floor might be programmers cut taxes on middle class families,” he said of programming worst case situation.